We’re so grateful for your kind words, questions, and suggestions in response to our posts over the past weeks of COVID-19. What amazing leaders you are!

In response to the April 13th, 2020, post Living Thoughtfully: Listening to Your Wisdom, a colleague of ours (a woman in health care leadership) has given us permission to share her beautiful response:

I have worked hard to take care of myself through this time—exercising each day, eating well, and trying to bring healthy snacks and foods to fuel me and those I am working most closely with. My daughter, who is a senior in high school and struggling with all of this loss herself, and my husband have been working hard to help and support me through this time. 

That said—I have had some VERY low moments, personally, as I have navigated this challenging time.

Moments where I had absolutely no hope left.

Moments where I didn’t want to get out of bed to face another 16-hour day after only 3-4 hours of sleep.

Just as I was hitting the wall, a dear friend said to me, “When you have nothing left—no hope and no sense of purpose or strength, just show up.”

I must have looked confused over our FaceTime call, because she continued, “I have known you many years and watched you navigate hard things. When you show up, just your presence brings people hope. It gives people confidence that if you can show up and be physically present, then they can too.

And then, you start navigating. Your brain engages, and in the presence of being together with others, you rediscover your footing and start making a plan.

You find your hope, your purpose,
and your strength again—in others.
And they find theirs in you. 
Don’t give up, SHOW UP.”
This struck me. It was something I could do. I could take that one small action. I could sit with my daughter, or sit in a conference room, or call in to the next video conference call. And then, by doing that one thing—by showing up, I actually was able to start planning and finding hope in working with others. Taking one small step forward. And then the next.  It is how I have made it through these days.

When I read your message, Listening to Your Wisdom, and read “The work is to breathe through it. In some ways, it becomes a unique dance—panic, return to wisdom, retreat to fear, and then finding the courage to show up with love. Always with love.”  I was reminded again about the power in just showing up, and I found myself wanting to share with you because you added something more.

You reminded me that it is also about
showing up with love.
It is true that this IS a dance. It is normal to move in and out of panic, fear, and then return to wisdom and showing up with love. This is so helpful.
As you lead in your life, in your work, and in your world, remember that there is much that happens when you show up:
  • your very presence brings people hope 
  • your brain will often shift from hopelessness to responding successfully to what’s right in front of you
  • you will prime your brain and your heart to connect with the people in your life, which will also help you to reconnect with your sense of meaning and purpose
  • you will have the power to move through the dance, with love
“Sometimes the bravest and most important
thing you can do is just show up.”

– Brené Brown
This week, try showing up with love and see how the world around you shifts.
 We’re here if we  can be helpful—either by phone,
 Zoom, or the virtual platform  of your choice.