Carolyn Cosgriff, Owner/Artist/Designer @ HissBuzzHum

Carolyn Cosgriff, Owner/Artist/Designer @ HissBuzzHum

"Heather brought order to my chaos and helped me pursue my goals in a more purposeful, fulfilling way. Now I feel less stressed, more in control and able to enjoy taking some big steps that I’ve been working towards for a long time."

Carolyn Cosgriff, Owner/Artist/Designer @ HissBuzzHum, Portland, OR

Carpenter Smith Consulting coaching services

Carolyn Cosgriff, Owner/Artist/Designer @ HissBuzzHum, Portland, OR

"Heather brought order to my chaos and helped me pursue my goals in a more purposeful, fulfilling way. Now I feel less stressed, more in control and able to enjoy taking some big steps that I’ve been working towards for a long time."
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We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with leaders, teams, and individuals who are passionate about growing in their leadership and in their ability to create cultures of psychological safety and engagement.

Carpenter Smith Consulting is a Women Business Enterprise, Oregon Cert ID 7047.

Women Business Enterprise

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(503) 274-9447