
Take Small Steps

If you’ve been reading the Monday Morning Business Coach for a while you probably know that we are big fans of small steps. When you take small steps, you’re less likely to evoke internal, psychological resistance to change and start to get traction. And when you take those small steps consistently over time you can end up in an entirely new place! “Small steps taken consistently over time will lead you to your goals faster than big steps taken from…

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Overcome Your Fears & Take the Risks You Need to Take

We were recently meeting with a CEO of a medium-sized business. Our conversation focused on how she could get over her fear and take the risks she knows she needs to take in her business. Her language was language of “jumping off a cliff,” “taking the leap,” and “I’ve got to risk the business.” It was language that accurately reflected her experience but didn’t accurately reflect what she should do next.   When you reach a point in your life,…

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One of the most significant struggles our clients report is feeling busy beyond belief. From overworked, under-resourced managers to busy working parents, to business owners who are struggling to stay above water, we know that people are busy and stressed. What can you do? It can certainly help to take a break over the weekend or get out with friends for an evening, but to really make a dent in your busy-ness factor, you will need to start engaging in…

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The Change Myth

One of the myths that we hear with great frequency is that “it takes 28 days to form a habit.” While it can be dismissed as a harmless myth, it actually leaves people feeling stupid or inadequate when, after 28 days, they have not changed something they have been working on, and that disappointment can keep them from sticking with their efforts to behave in new ways. In our experience, real change takes between 9–12 months of practice, and then…

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Play to Your Natural Strengths

Every once in a while we will have a conversation with a client that goes like this: Us: “Nicely done, you have a unique talent for ______.” Our client: “Nothing special, everyone can do this.” Us: “Actually, no they can’t—you have a pretty unique combination of skills!” Our client: “Oh, seriously? It never occurred to me that other people didn’t do this all the time!” We believe deeply in having people play to their strengths. Yet, often we find that…

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Disruptive Growth… Bring it On!

Leadership requires disturbing people— but at a rate they can absorb. — Ronald Heifetz and Martin Linsky Leadership on the Line Everywhere you look these days there is an article about “disruptive” leadership, “disruptive” governance, “disruptive” innovation, etc. In 2002, Ron Heifetz and Martin Linsky spoke about this in Leadership on the Line. This quote spoke to us deeply because it says a lot about the importance of challenging limiting beliefs and behaviors in order to foster growth and innovation.…

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When Your Heroes Fall

Martin, a colleague of ours, recently asked for our counsel as he tried to figure out what to do. He had just found out that his mentor, a man he looked up to and respected, a man who had taught him a tremendous amount about his industry, and a man who had been like a father to him, had just been sent to jail for sexual misconduct. Martin was devastated. He went from being furious at his mentor to insisting…

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Get Some Perspective!

In a recent conversation with a funny and smart executive, he said to us, “I know that I need to get some perspective on this issue, but I haven’t got a clue how to go about it!” We are always quite impressed when leaders in major positions can talk with us about their struggles with leadership. It’s hard for people in positions of authority to acknowledge that at times they have no idea what to do next. Many have read…

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Are You Doing What Really Matters to You?

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.”  — Mark Twain   Over the past several years, there has been a shift from people retiring from work at 62, to people stepping into their next careers in their 60s, 70s, and even their 80s. While many people are choosing a new career at this age in life, we know that some people must work to…

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If You Lose Yourself, You’ll Never Find Your Way

We were in a meeting recently with a client who was describing how she had lost herself. In an effort to please her boss and succeed with her team, she had started to do what she believed they valued, would make her likable, and would move her forward. She was totally out of touch with what she thought about her department, what she believed needed to happen to succeed, how she would be most effective, and what she needed from…

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We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with leaders, teams, and individuals who are passionate about growing in their leadership and in their ability to create cultures of psychological safety and engagement.

Carpenter Smith Consulting is a Women Business Enterprise, Oregon Cert ID 7047.

Women Business Enterprise

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