
The Gifts You Offer

It’s December 25th, defined as Christmas Day by much of the world. Some celebrate the religious meaning of Christmas, others celebrate family and friends, and some just think of the day as the 25th of December with no meaning attached. Whatever your relationship with December 25th, we wanted to take this opportunity to get you thinking about the gifts you bring to the world. You have your own unique gifts – the ways you love, lead, provide, support, enlighten, build,…

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Starting Your Small Steps

In last week’s post, Take Small Steps, we invited you to take a few minutes to reflect on your vision for your life – what it would look like at a 10 – and how that vision compares with your actual life. We’ve heard from many of you that you found the exercise helpful yet are concerned that, despite the best of intentions, you won’t make the time to take the small steps that will lead you to a life…

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Take Small Steps

Those of you who know us, know that we believe deeply that change occurs in small steps made consistently over time.  As much as we all wish we could make one big leap into a new life, greater success, more money, etc., for most of us, true change is about taking small steps consistently over time toward creating a life and work that matters to you. Today we are celebrating 6 years of the Monday Morning Business Coach! That’s three…

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Workplace Stress Is Higher for Women

  Two weeks ago we did a post titled, Life is Anything but Fair, about seeing the ways the unfairness of life has sometimes brought you gifts. It’s good to pause and remember the things that you have gotten that others have not. Today, we want to talk about those times when you’re treated unfairly in ways that are harmful to you. Workplace stress is a challenge for both men and women and, there is research that shows that workplace stress is higher for…

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Fear Is Contagious

Fear is like a virus – it’s contagious. It spreads among individuals and, when left to flourish, it can take down organizations. Let us share an example. A few years ago, we worked with an organization where the CEO of the company was not a very skilled leader. She was harshly critical of the work of others at all levels of the organization. Her critiques were not always wrong mind you, but the delivery of the message was often highly…

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Life Is Anything but Fair

Whenever we hear, “Life is anything but fair,” most of us think about the ways that life has not been fair to us. We think about all the ways that life could have or should have gone differently – in our favor. Our challenge to you today is this: Take a moment to consider that life is anything but fair and then think about how you have benefitted from life in ways that others have not – through no fault…

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Brand You

Brand: You

  Good morning, instead of a narrative today, we have a hot seat moment for you: What is your brand? Your “brand” is a combination of your values, your contributions, your attributes, and it is the essence of what you offer to the world. In the next 30 seconds, write down the 3-5 things that best describe Brand You. Do you like what you wrote? Do you feel proud of your brand?  Now, identify 2 people who know you and…

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We All Work

As the title of this week’s post says, we all work. Some for money, some as a volunteer, and some in the home, but it’s fair to say that in general, we all work.   Because working is such a norm in our lives, we don’t often take time to think (see last week’s post Take Time to Think) about what we actually want from work and prepare to move forward in a way that gets us where we want…

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take a break and refuel

Take a Break and Refuel

As surprising as it is, we’re once again heading in to summer. In the Pacific NW, it’s actually been warm and dry. Summer!!! And, while many of us associate summer with summer vacation, not many people really take a break to refuel. We’re here to remind you… if you’re going to create a life you love, where you’re successful, connected, and satisfied, then you need to refuel. So, what do we mean by refuel?   The simple online definition is…

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don't let fear stop you

Don’t Let Fear Stop You

If you’ve been a part of our community for a while, you know that we think a lot about the ways we can support you to move forward on the things that are important to you, bring you meaning, and create the future that you long for. Sometimes, those words can sound like the phrases on the magazines calling out to you from the local newsstand: “Be happy now!”, “Create the life you love!”, or “10 steps to living with…

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Carpenter Smith Consulting is a Women Business Enterprise, Oregon Cert ID 7047.

Women Business Enterprise

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