
lost future

Grieve… to Grow

Most of us understand the importance of grieving the loss of a person or a pet that we loved and were attached to. What’s harder for many of us to understand is the importance of grieving the loss of a desired or imagined future. You see, when you’re planning a future and it doesn’t materialize, there’s grief in that too. Before you can grow from it, you must grieve it. Let us explain. An executive coaching client of ours had…

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you matter

Why You Matter…

Take a moment to think about your life and how you treat yourself as you go through your moments, days, weeks, and months. One of the things we want you to remember is that the way you live your moments is the way you live your life. Your moments matter and if you’re going to matter in your own life, it’s important that you pay attention to your moments. What we know, from our five years doing the Monday Morning…

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taking care of yourself

What Does It Mean to Take Care of Myself?

As you know, we have a lot invested in you taking good care of yourself because we know that you are your instrument. If you’re not taking good care of yourself, you’ll be more tired, less creative, more reactive, and less resilient in the face of all that’s coming at you. That said, you may be asking, What does it really mean to take care of myself? Followed by all the ways your life and the world is pressing you…

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supporting others

Supporting Others is Hard

Thank you all for your wonderful stories and comments during our five-week Choosing Happiness series! They were truly touching and we love that you shared your stories with us. Many of you wrote and told us that you personally are working on choosing happiness, but have a close friend or loved one who can’t quite get there. No matter what you do or say, you can’t seem to make that person happy, and you’re frustrated. Some of you feel a…

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"Laughter is an instant vacation." -- Milton Berle


We’ve had a number of conversations lately about the longing for a summer vacation. Not a week or two, but the whole summer off from school with, as folks have described, “enough time to get bored.” Many people do take a vacation in the summer, yet don’t find it to be quite what they are longing for. And many others haven’t had a vacation in years as they struggle with finances or work demands or family needs. It’s challenging to…

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We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with leaders, teams, and individuals who are passionate about growing in their leadership and in their ability to create cultures of psychological safety and engagement.

Carpenter Smith Consulting is a Women Business Enterprise, Oregon Cert ID 7047.

Women Business Enterprise

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(503) 274-9447