
I’m Outta Here* . . . *almost

As executive coaches, we often work with clients who are getting ready to take a new job and yet need to stay engaged and effective until they formally leave their position. Being able to stay engaged is really important not only to your self-esteem and your colleagues’ last impressions of you but also to your reputation – so it’s important that you do it well. So, what can you do to stay engaged when you know you’re moving on? Put…

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Brand You

Brand: You

  Good morning, instead of a narrative today, we have a hot seat moment for you: What is your brand? Your “brand” is a combination of your values, your contributions, your attributes, and it is the essence of what you offer to the world. In the next 30 seconds, write down the 3-5 things that best describe Brand You. Do you like what you wrote? Do you feel proud of your brand?  Now, identify 2 people who know you and…

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We All Work

As the title of this week’s post says, we all work. Some for money, some as a volunteer, and some in the home, but it’s fair to say that in general, we all work.   Because working is such a norm in our lives, we don’t often take time to think (see last week’s post Take Time to Think) about what we actually want from work and prepare to move forward in a way that gets us where we want…

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Take Time to Think

We have the privilege of working with leaders in a wide range of businesses – for profit and non-profit, large and small, service companies and product driven – and one of the major changes we’re seeing in all of them is that leaders are running hard and fast, going from one thing to the next, with not a moment to think.  Not a moment to think. These women and men are running companies that need their leadership and yet, they…

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What Can I Do? The World Is So Dark!

In the face of continued loss and tragedy in our world, we heard from many of you saying:   “I’m so overwhelmed that I’m paralyzed. What can I do?”   These are dark times, with many people on both sides of the aisle still grieving the election and the resulting divisions.   We find ourselves stunned by blatant acts of racism, sexism and homophobia in our country, as well as the escalating threats to our safety posed by North Korea.…

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Creating healthy boundaries

Creating Healthy Boundaries

In last week’s post, we talked about what it means to step in as a leader while not “doing it all.” This week we’d like to follow that up with some tips on how you can start to set healthy boundaries. We all know that we should have healthy boundaries, but for many of us we think we’re being mean or lazy when we set limits that take care of our own needs. Having healthy boundaries isn’t about being mean.…

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take a break and refuel

Take a Break and Refuel

As surprising as it is, we’re once again heading in to summer. In the Pacific NW, it’s actually been warm and dry. Summer!!! And, while many of us associate summer with summer vacation, not many people really take a break to refuel. We’re here to remind you… if you’re going to create a life you love, where you’re successful, connected, and satisfied, then you need to refuel. So, what do we mean by refuel?   The simple online definition is…

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don't let fear stop you

Don’t Let Fear Stop You

If you’ve been a part of our community for a while, you know that we think a lot about the ways we can support you to move forward on the things that are important to you, bring you meaning, and create the future that you long for. Sometimes, those words can sound like the phrases on the magazines calling out to you from the local newsstand: “Be happy now!”, “Create the life you love!”, or “10 steps to living with…

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Emotions in the workplace

Emotions in the Workplace

One of the hardest things about being human is that sometimes life hits us with very powerful and very painful experiences—emotions that we can’t just ignore.  Emotional pain is one of the great disrupters in life and in the workplace. Good leaders don’t ignore pain, but they don’t succumb to it either: they lead through it and they find ways to help others do the same. When confronted with pain, a good leader will acknowledge it and then determine the…

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Depressed burned out woman.

Chronic Overwhelm will Burn You Out

This year we’re focusing on how to help our clients move from Overwhelmed to Outstanding. Today we want to talk with you about a very serious topic: how chronic overwhelm will cause you to burn out. What is Burnout? Burnout is a very real set of physical symptoms, cognitive challenges, and emotional reactions that can be quite debilitating—in some cases even lead to depression and suicide. And the tricky part about it is that it can come and go, making…

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We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with leaders, teams, and individuals who are passionate about growing in their leadership and in their ability to create cultures of psychological safety and engagement.

Carpenter Smith Consulting is a Women Business Enterprise, Oregon Cert ID 7047.

Women Business Enterprise

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(503) 274-9447