Psychological Safety?
As we continue to make our way through some of the most challenging experiences of our lifetimes, we’re seeing the central importance of psychological safety in the workplace more and more.
As we continue to make our way through some of the most challenging experiences of our lifetimes, we’re seeing the central importance of psychological safety in the workplace more and more.
Burnout and depletion can be very serious if left unmanaged.
Shine your light. It’s good for you and its good for others!
Knowing what truly matters to you as a manager will increase your effectiveness.
As you work with your new boss, your leadership matters.
We are not big proponents of resolutions, since most of us don’t get much beyond January with this laundry list of big ideas. We believe that you matter. And because you matter, you need to know what your priorities are in life so that you can take steps to move toward them throughout the year. On this last day of 2018, we encourage you to spend a few minutes thinking about what you want to focus on in 2019. Identifying your priorities can…
Last week in our post, Holidazed?, we talked about 4 things you can do to position yourself for a fun, hectic, connecting, tiring holiday—one that leaves you proud of how you showed up and how you managed your priorities. We started with PAUSE, which many of you know is the first step in our Leader in You framework. The PAUSE can look like taking a small sip of water, a shuffling of papers, or a full out break from the action;…
In the movies, the holidays are perfect, happy, loving, spontaneous, and connecting, or they are disastrous explosions of personal misery. Both images are stressful, and neither has to be yours! We’ve heard from many of you that you’re feeling pretty tired, worn down, and not quite in the holiday spirit this year. In fact, many of you report a love-hate relationship with the holidays. On one hand, you love much of the connection and celebration but on the other hand, you’re busy,…