overwhelmed to outstanding

Creating healthy boundaries

Creating Healthy Boundaries

In last week’s post, we talked about what it means to step in as a leader while not “doing it all.” This week we’d like to follow that up with some tips on how you can start to set healthy boundaries. We all know that we should have healthy boundaries, but for many of us we think we’re being mean or lazy when we set limits that take care of our own needs. Having healthy boundaries isn’t about being mean.…

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light through the tunnel - beating burnout

Beating Burnout

Last week we talked about the fact that chronic overwhelm can lead to burnout. Today we want to share some thoughts with you about what to do if you notice yourself getting burned out. It’s helpful to remember that burnout is in many ways a response to depletion.   Think about it: you wouldn’t sit in your car and expect it to work without gas, or sit in front of a wood-burning stove waiting for the warmth without putting in…

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Depressed burned out woman.

Chronic Overwhelm will Burn You Out

This year we’re focusing on how to help our clients move from Overwhelmed to Outstanding. Today we want to talk with you about a very serious topic: how chronic overwhelm will cause you to burn out. What is Burnout? Burnout is a very real set of physical symptoms, cognitive challenges, and emotional reactions that can be quite debilitating—in some cases even lead to depression and suicide. And the tricky part about it is that it can come and go, making…

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2017 goals

Just This Week: Start Small to Go Big in 2017

The last couple of weeks we’ve been focused on some simple steps you can take to create a 2017 that can move you from Overwhelmed to Outstanding. If you haven’t read those posts, we’d really encourage you to do so by clicking here. Shifting from running as fast as you can to taking thoughtful, intentional steps to create a life that matters to you is important because YOU MATTER. This week we’re going to talk about how to get traction…

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overwhelmed to outstanding

From Overwhelmed to Outstanding

One of the things we know (and we do mean KNOW) is that moving from Overwhelmed to Outstanding is critical if you’re going to feel happy, productive, and effective—and it’s pivotal to leading people in your organizations who need to be passionate, committed, and innovative to create success. People who are overwhelmed get focused on the next thing on their to-do list rather than thinking broadly about what they’re doing and how it contributes to a larger vision. They isolate…

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looking back on 2016

The Value of Hindsight

We’re at the time of year when people start to think about their futures and what they want the next year to bring. It’s often a feeling of a fresh start, a blank page, an open door. Yet, for many of us, we make that start with a list of resolutions or goals that barely make it to week two. And, that makes sense when you think of what it takes to create the life you want to live. To…

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you matter

Why You Matter…

Take a moment to think about your life and how you treat yourself as you go through your moments, days, weeks, and months. One of the things we want you to remember is that the way you live your moments is the way you live your life. Your moments matter and if you’re going to matter in your own life, it’s important that you pay attention to your moments. What we know, from our five years doing the Monday Morning…

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Women Business Enterprise

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