Surviving A Layoff
Keep moving forward – even if it’s just one small step.
Facing the loss of a role that provides a great deal of your identity as well as the means for living, can be very challenging.
We’ve witnessed the power that great questions have to create opportunities for innovation, problem solving, and higher levels of thinking.
Today, we’re sharing some of the questions that we’ve found invite higher levels of input and expand critical thinking.
Leadership, as we define it, is the willingness to influence your world and the willingness to be influenced by your world.
Last week brought the stunning loss of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain by suicide. We know that there is pain in everyone’s life – some more visible than others. So we want to take a moment to remind you that, You matter in this world. Take a moment to think about your life and how you treat yourself as you go through your moments, days, weeks, and months. You matter because you are YOU. Your moments matter and…
We recently had a conversation with a client who was feeling disheartened at work. He had a long history with his organization and had, for many years, loved working there. He was invested in their mission and wanted to contribute to business success. He had a great deal of respect for the leadership team and felt valued and appreciated for his contributions. Then it all changed. About six months ago the organization hired a new COO (who our client reported…
In the United States of America, the last Monday in May is Memorial Day. While many of us consider Memorial Day the beginning of summer, it’s actually a Federal holiday to honor those who have died in military service. We hope you’ll take some time today to remember the men and women who have died in service of our country. These soldiers were also parents and children and sisters and brothers and friends and colleagues as well. We’re grateful to…
One of the most powerful skills we see in successful clients, colleagues, and friends, is the ability to pause. When you pause and determine how to respond instead of reacting to, pretty much, ANY situation that you face, you’re more likely to succeed. Pausing is an important aspect of Resilience. Being resilient is an advantage – in your work, your family, and your life. As you know, life throws us changes, pressures, and stressors that can be debilitating if you…
Last month we began a series on how to ACT with POWER, the third step in our Leader in You Framework. Within our ACT with POWER framework, there are 5 critical actions that powerful leaders do to move forward on important issues and initiatives. Over the past 5 weeks, we’ve talked about: P = Possibility Mindset. You consider and engage your team in exploring the Possibilities inherent in the obstacles and challenges you face. O = Ownership and…