
What Do Others Really Know About You?

David came into the room and seemed almost depressed. He said that he’d met with a colleague and the colleague had told him that it was hard for him that David has it “so easy in life.”   David is a smart, articulate, handsome man who can wear just about anything and look like he walked out of the men’s magazine, GQ. He has a warmth about him that endears him to others, and he brings great insight to his company meetings. …

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Examples of Great Questions

Over the last two weeks, we’ve been talking about the power of questions: The Right Questions Can Change Your Life and The Bones of a Great Question. Our articles have sparked requests from some of you asking if we could give examples of questions to ask. So, today, we’re doing just that. We’re sharing some great examples of questions that you can use to create engaging and connecting conversations. We’ve put them under a range of headings but don’t get stuck…

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The Bones of a Great Question

Last week we talked about how The Right Questions Can Change Your Life.  As you might imagine, given our belief in questions, we’re always trying to figure out the right ones to create engagement, ownership, and passion. Inviting these into your conversations brings about collaboration and partnership which is transformative in work, family, and community relationships. So, what goes into figuring out the right questions? Get clear about your goals for the conversation Most of us are moving so fast we…

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The Right Questions Can Change Your Life

In our roles as consultants and coaches, we’ve come to understand that finding the right question in a conversation with a leader, a team, or even an entire organization can be a game changer. The right question grabs people’s attention, it helps them see and think in new ways, and it demonstrates genuine interest in their wisdom and perspective. Let’s go through that list in more detail.  The right question: Grabs people’s attention. So often when we’re in discussion, we…

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Life Saving Relationships

At Carpenter Smith Consulting, we’re passionate about supporting you in creating success and satisfaction in your leadership, your work, and your world. And, to do that, we know that you need to take care of yourself. No self = no success or satisfaction.     So, this week we want to encourage you to read this thought-provoking article in the American Psychological Association’s Monitor on Psychology, Life-Saving Relationships by Kirsten Weir, March 2018, p 46 – 53.   The author does a great…

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I Hate Everyone!

This is Linda writing to you today about something that recently happened with me.   Last week, I shared with the executive assistant at a client’s office that, “This morning, I hate everyone!” The EA’s response? “I do too, this morning!”   As I was sharing this experience with the team at CSC, I laughed and said, “Don’t worry, I don’t hate you guys . . . yet.”   Again, we all laughed but recognized that there are days when…

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