Monday Morning Business Coach

You Will Fail

You WILL Fail. Those were the first words out of a friend’s mouth when, in 2011, we said we were going to create and send out a nugget of our best thinking every Monday morning for a year. For a brief moment we actually wondered, what could we possibly find to say every week for a whole year? Apparently, a lot! Thanks to your support, we’ve delivered 7 years of weekly coaching nuggets! Today marks the 7th Anniversary of the Monday…

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You Are Not Alone

We were recently facilitating a company meeting with a team of people, many of whom had worked for the company for their entire career. In the meeting, people were complaining about the challenges they faced and the hardships of the current financial environment in their industry.    They were feeling threatened, singled out, and personally beat up in this environment.   As we listened, we came to understand that this group had been together for so long and for so…

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Certainty in Your Truth vs. THE Truth

A couple of weeks ago, we wrote a post about The 5 C’s of Self – Confidence and the importance of standing in your own truth. The 5 C’s include: Conviction, Certainty, Commitment, Courage, and Connection While many of you wrote that you loved the idea of the 5 C’s, those of you who know us know that we are often saying don’t get certain, get curious. So, many of you asked what we were thinking when we included certainty in this list. And…

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Giving Thanks

Here in the United States, this is Thanksgiving week, celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. It’s a day that we here at Carpenter Smith Consulting use to remind us of all that we are and all that we have.     As coaches, we recognize the power of gratitude and giving thanks while moving through life. Life brings with it all kinds of things including: demands at work, managing change, dealing with challenges, facing losses, experiencing grief, as well as…

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The 5 C’s of Self-Confidence

Last week, in our post, Imposter Syndrome: You’re Not Alone, we encouraged you to watch the short TED-Ed talk, What is Imposter Syndrome and How Can You Combat It?. We hope it was helpful to learn more about this surprisingly common experience that can seriously undermine your confidence, and get in the way of success.   As a result of last week’s post, we had a lot of people asking if there is any way to bolster their confidence. Many of us have been made to believe…

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Imposter Syndrome: You’re Not Alone

This week we want to talk about what we’ve all come to know as Imposter Syndrome – which is known as Imposterism in the research community. Imposter Syndrome is a powerful and derailing experience. People with Imposter Syndrome believe that they have successfully hidden that they are not competent or capable and they believe that their actual accomplishments are not earned. They feel fraudulent and live in fear of being “found out”. Imposter Syndrome leaves people feeling alone and ashamed. To…

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The Power of Your Contributions

We coach people who want to be powerful and effective, to come to a discussion about concerns with not only the concern, but also with a proposed solution.    For some people, the idea is quite natural, but for others, it’s a challenging concept. They don’t know how to organize their thinking, particularly when the concern is emotionally heated. Today we wanted to offer you a simple structure that was initially developed by the US Navy and is now being…

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Why Diversity Is Good For You

In our work, we are having many discussions about the value of diversity. There is clearly a belief that diversity is a good thing, but many people don’t know exactly why. So, we wanted to provide you with some new research.   We’re at a time in our nation where there’s much division, anger, and fear. One of the areas of significant debate is the value of racial and ethnic diversity. So, it’s exciting to see this new research in…

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What Do Others Really Know About You?

David came into the room and seemed almost depressed. He said that he’d met with a colleague and the colleague had told him that it was hard for him that David has it “so easy in life.”   David is a smart, articulate, handsome man who can wear just about anything and look like he walked out of the men’s magazine, GQ. He has a warmth about him that endears him to others, and he brings great insight to his company meetings. …

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Examples of Great Questions

Over the last two weeks, we’ve been talking about the power of questions: The Right Questions Can Change Your Life and The Bones of a Great Question. Our articles have sparked requests from some of you asking if we could give examples of questions to ask. So, today, we’re doing just that. We’re sharing some great examples of questions that you can use to create engaging and connecting conversations. We’ve put them under a range of headings but don’t get stuck…

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