Your Life
Today, we’re encouraging you to join us over the next month as we reflect on life this past year, and envision the future.
Today, we’re reminding you that you don’t have to do all of the things for all of the people.
Today, we’re reminding you of the seven different types of rest and the importance of checking in with yourself to see what you need.
Today, we’re reminding you of the importance of taking care of yourself during the transition of leaving your job.
Today, we’re reminding you of the importance of taking care of yourself during the transition of leaving your job.
Today, we’re talking about how determine your most important work, as you prepare to leave.
Today, we’re sharing a reminder to prepare for the emotions of others when you announce that you’re leaving.
Today, we’re sharing our best thinking on how you can leave your current organization in a way that feels successful.
Today, we’re providing you with some frameworks to help you as your considering what you’d like to change in your life.
Today, we’re sharing some suggestions to help you stay on track with the changes you’re making.