
Aligning Your Words and Your Action

We recently participated in an online, professional group created to provide high-quality, responsive programs that are of service to clients while building brand recognition and professional success for the providers.    Early in the negotiations of this group, one of the members, Anton, stepped in to help the originator, Mark, lead and guide the project forward. The early stages of the project were conducted online, in view of the entire group.  In fact, it was easy to watch and to…

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The Power to “Give and Take”

In our combined 30+ years of coaching, one of the observations we have made is that some people tend to be concerned about giving enough to the organization for which they work, and some tend to be concerned about getting enough from the organization for which they work.  The phenomenon peaked our curiosity so we looked around to see if this approach continued over time or was specific to one situation or another.   Overall, we found that there is…

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The Final Three Feet

We recently read a story about a young woman who had the opportunity to train with Philippe Petit, the man who walked between the Twin Towers on a wire 1,300 feet above the ground.  As she was working with him, he noticed that she would get so excited about getting where she was going, she would falter where she was.    He told her she needed to understand the final three feet.  He said, “You’re not there yet.  You can…

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Organizations Need Time to Grieve and Heal, Too

Last week we talked about how important it is for individuals to grieve and heal their losses in order to move forward.  Just as with individuals, organizations, as a whole, get “attached” to a truth and when that truth fails to materialize or is no longer true, they, too, need to grieve the lost future in order to integrate the new one.    When we say “organizations,” we are describing the people who make up the organization and who by…

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Leading Through Sorrow

We had a different post prepared for today, but in light of the tragedies in both Oregon and Connecticut, it seems important to devote this week to the power, and importance, of your leadership to the healing of our world.   There is, in each of us, a leader.    We urge you to bring the leader in you forward and offer your voice to help build and maintain healthy: streets, neighborhoods, communities, friends, co-workers, and family.   By bringing…

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If you want to Prosper…

We recently came across another Chinese proverb that reminds us of a powerful reason for stepping fully into your life and claiming your leadership. Your ability to grow and nurture people is central to your organization’s, your community’s, and your family’s success.    If you want one year of prosperity, grow grain If you want ten years of prosperity, grow tree If you want one hundred years of prosperity, grow people  -Chinese Proverb   Over and over again, we have…

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The Image of Your Life

We were recently asked if, as coaches and consultants, we could go in and “fix” an organization.  It is an interesting question because while we make a significant impact on an organization and we support organizational success, we don’t “fix” the organization as much as we teach the individuals in the organization to step into their power and create an organization that they value and respect.   Think of it this way –    There are painters, called pointillists, who…

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Celebrating Success

We often hear complaints about bosses who only focus on what is not working and never acknowledge and celebrate what is going well.  Other clients describe their experience of bosses who have nothing to say about their performance until they have made a mistake.  Some clients even describe their belief that their bosses are lying in wait – ready to pounce on the one bad thing that happens; so, we thought we would take a few moments to look at…

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Your Drop-Down Menu

Many of you have probably seen the original Terminator (1984) movie. In it, Arnold Schwarzenegger plays a cyborg that has come back in time to kill the future savior of the world. In one scene, the cyborg is in a rundown hotel room tending to some pretty nasty wounds when the hotel manager knocks on the door (wanting to know what the smell is that is coming from the room) and asks him whether he has a dead animal in…

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Claiming Your Power Changes the World

As you know, our goal is to support you in claiming your power and creating success in this new economy. And, while we want you to be successful for your own sake, we also want you to be successful for the sake of the world. You see, the more you claim your power and your innate leadership skills, the more positive and effective your impact will be with your family, your community and … the world.  Think, for example, what…

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We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with leaders, teams, and individuals who are passionate about growing in their leadership and in their ability to create cultures of psychological safety and engagement.

Carpenter Smith Consulting is a Women Business Enterprise, Oregon Cert ID 7047.

Women Business Enterprise

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(503) 274-9447
