The Power of Influence
Today we’re discussing the importance of reciprocal influence in your successful leadership.
Today we’re discussing the importance of reciprocal influence in your successful leadership.
Sometimes leaders can forget the importance of inviting others to have a seat and voice at the table. It’s important to listen and learn before leading.
Today, we’re talking about the importance of bringing gratitude, curiosity, and respect to your new role or job.
Today, we want to remind you to remember with gratitude, all of the men and women who lost their lives in service to our country.
Today, we’re getting back to the basics and reminding managers, about the importance of gratitude, curiosity, and respect.
Today, we’re remembering with gratitude all of those individuals who lost their lives in service to our country and the families who lost their loved ones.
If we look, we can often see many gifts in our lives, even during the most challenging times. These continue to be challenging times and we believe it’s important for your well-being to look closely for the gifts in your life.
We have to find a path to our wisdom, and that is often found in stillness.
When people believe that they matter, great things happen!