fundamental pause

The Power to Choose Our Freedom

“Between stimulus and response, there is space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”  — Viktor Frankl Many of you who know our work know of our passion for the Fundamental Pause. We call it the Fundamental Pause because it is indeed a business fundamental. In the world of work, the ability to interrupt our typical reactions so that we can respond is profoundly powerful. But as Frankl…

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taking care of yourself

Self-Management: Emotional Intelligence Operationalized

On April 20, 2015, we shared with you Daniel Goleman’s list of the 4 traits his research has shown are essential to emotional intelligence. Each week, for four weeks, we are going to operationalize, or bring to life, each of these traits so that you can increase your emotional intelligence, and thereby increase your effectiveness at work and at home. Many people have told us that they read Goleman’s 4 traits but get stuck trying to figure out what they…

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Do You Have a Faulty Alarm?

One of the things we hear over and over again from clients, colleagues, and friends is that it’s challenging to use The Fundamental Pause when they have a strong physiological reaction. They describe the experience of flashing with anxiety, anger, and fear so powerfully that they simply “need” to react. We understand their experience as we have seen it in many clients over the years and have experienced it ourselves. There are those times when the physical nature of a…

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Focusing Your Attention

Last week we asked you to notice the different ways in which you pay attention to others. We asked that you watch how you show up in person as well as when reading notes and emails from people in your life. The choice to bring a deep, focused attention to others in your life is an important one. It’s not that we think you need to bring this same level of attention to all situations, but we do believe you…

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Personal Agility

One of the ways we support people is to help them see just how capable they are—even when the chips are down. You see, none of us lives a charmed a life. That is the stuff of fairy tales. Real life means having to frequently navigate obstacles: some related to our inner messages and beliefs, some related to health, some related to work, some related to family, and some related to world issues. Personal agility is required to respond effectively…

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525,600 Minutes – How Will You Use Them?

While we know that January 1st is simply the day after December 31st, we love that so many people pause around this time of year to reflect on where they have been this past year and where they want to go in the next. For some people, this is a celebratory time of vision and excitement, for some it’s facing upcoming grief or loss, and as we saw last week, for many it’s a time to start anew and create a…

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Moving Forward After a Layoff

This week, we have asked a dear client, friend, and colleague to share her experience and her strategies for finding her way back to herself after a layoff. We know that life offers us many opportunities to find ways back to ourselves and she has much to teach: Moving Forward After a Layoff by Heather Stewart For the past 5 years, I worked for an incredible little company that makes creative products for creative people. I first joined the company…

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Feeling Proud at the End of Your Day

We were recently at a meeting where the presenter asked these questions: Who in the room has read an article on time management?  Everyone raised their hand. Who has taken a class or webinar on getting more things done? Almost everyone raised their hand. Who feels great about their ability to prioritize their key imperatives and get them done in an efficient and timely manner? Only about 11 people raised their hands. Despite all of the reading and classes, it’s…

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Emotional Data

Last week we talked about the difference between using your emotional response to gather data about what is going on for you and creating emotional drama. We defined drama as the uncontrolled or unconscious expression of emotions, often in ways that exaggerate the importance of what has happened. Drama is the antithesis of healthy emotional expression; it’s the seeping of emotions into the workplace, through covert means, as a result of people not believing they have been heard or understood…

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We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with leaders, teams, and individuals who are passionate about growing in their leadership and in their ability to create cultures of psychological safety and engagement.

Carpenter Smith Consulting is a Women Business Enterprise, Oregon Cert ID 7047.

Women Business Enterprise

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