
What Motivates Us?

Motivation of self and others is a hot topic in business precisely because it can be quite a challenge. What motivates people over the years has changed in large part because how we work has changed. Never in the history of time have so many people held jobs where their contribution is based on their knowledge or building on the knowledge of others. Motivated employees are more successful, more committed, more upbeat, and more engaged—as are kids and community members. …

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When Life Feels Dark and Heavy

One of our clients recently had a difficult month, and a dear friend and mentor sent him this writing by John McQuiston called “Each Day”. We want to share it with you, as it is an important reminder when life feels dark and heavy. Each Day At the beginning of each day, after we open our eyes to receive the light of that day, as we listen to the voices and sounds that surround us,  we must resolve to treat each…

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Great Questions Can Change Your Life

Last week, we wrote about Growing Your Wisdom built on the quote by Mark Twain: “Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you would rather have talked.”    At the end of that post, we promised that this week we would look at how to formulate questions that create meaningful conversations.   Over the course of our careers we’ve discovered, time and again, that identifying a great question can dramatically change your interaction.    We’ve talked about this…

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Growing Your Wisdom

“Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you would rather have talked.”  ~ Mark Twain We love this quote from Mark Twain as it reminds us of a core truth – one must listen fully and completely to gain wisdom and perspective. And, wisdom and perspective can help us create more meaningful lives, more success in our service to others and to our work, and more impact in our worlds. Unfortunately, listening isn’t as natural…

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Memorial Day

In the United States of America, the last Monday in May is Memorial Day. While many of us consider Memorial Day the beginning of summer, it’s actually a Federal holiday to honor those who have died in military service. We hope you’ll take some time today to remember the men and women who have died in service of our country. These soldiers were also parents and children and sisters and brothers and friends and colleagues as well. We’re grateful to…

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One of the most powerful skills we see in successful clients, colleagues, and friends, is the ability to pause. When you pause and determine how to respond instead of reacting to, pretty much, ANY situation that you face, you’re more likely to succeed.  Pausing is an important aspect of Resilience. Being resilient is an advantage – in your work, your family, and your life. As you know, life throws us changes, pressures, and stressors that can be debilitating if you…

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