

This week in honor of Martin Luther King Jr, we’d like you to consider a change of language that can have a profound effect on you and on others.  You see, language is the fundamental way in which we come to understand and relate to the world around us. When you change your language, you influence your ability to relate to others and to build powerful connections.  This week, we’d like you to play with your language. Every time you…

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Why 2018 Was the Best Year in History!

With some regularity, our clients share with us that they’re more distressed by the state of the world than they can ever remember. We can sometimes feel the same, so imagine our surprise when on January 6, 2019 we came upon a New York Times column by Nicholas Kristof titled: “Why 2018 was the Best Year in Human History!”    We found it very powerful to hear some of the amazing things that happened in 2018 – most of which didn’t make it…

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PAUSE and HALT: A Powerful Combination

One of the things we love about the PAUSE is that you can use it to interrupt your reactivity to external actions, and you can use it to provide support for how you respond to your internal thoughts and feelings. When people are under stress, they often work harder, run faster, spend less time sleeping, exercising, and eating. They feel overwhelmed and have no clue how to get clear about what they need.    Pausing is a powerful way to…

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Your New Year

We are not big proponents of resolutions, since most of us don’t get much beyond January with this laundry list of big ideas.  We believe that you matter. And because you matter, you need to know what your priorities are in life so that you can take steps to move toward them throughout the year. On this last day of 2018, we encourage you to spend a few minutes thinking about what you want to focus on in 2019. Identifying your priorities can…

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Carpenter Smith Consulting is a Women Business Enterprise, Oregon Cert ID 7047.

Women Business Enterprise

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(503) 274-9447