Career Tips

Stand Out in an Interview

Once you have successfully gotten past an organization’s initial job screen (by submitting a solid resume that documents your skills and experience that gets you “in the door”), your next task is to stand out in the interview.   To do so, you must be prepared to demonstrate more than what is in your resume. When you interview you must bring more than a list of tasks and experiences from your past; you must bring your intellect and creative energy to…

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Is Procrastination Easier?

Have you ever had this experience?  You have a purpose and a plan.  You may have even mapped out the steps  your going to take in order to get results.  You’re actually pretty excited about it.  But then you don’t make a move.  Why is it so hard to get started?  You may even begin to wonder if there is something wrong with you that keeps you from moving forward.  Moving toward the better life that you have envisioned for…

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When Life is “Just Fine”

I had a revelation the other day about pain and what people often refer to as “being stuck.”  When I heard someone ask the question, “are they in enough pain to make a change?”   It suddenly came to me  how often I have stayed where I am in my life, in a mediocre relationship, unhealthy in my body, a difficult work place, all the time  complaining about being stuck.  So the thought that perhaps I wasn’t in enough pain…

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Increase Your Awareness

An important source of information that folks often overlook when exploring or considering their next career move is their own observation.  By this I mean, start observing with close attention to two areas: What are other people doing in their careers/jobs that looks interesting or fun to you.  Don’t make any judgment about whether you could do that exact job, but rather analyze why that work looks fun. Identify those people and/or organizations that are inspiring or motivating to you. …

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Great Questions to Ask When Making Contacts

Remember, the goal in making contacts and having a discussion is to gain information – information that helps you make decisions about the possible directions for your career.  People like to talk about their job, their personal story and their views of the industry and its future.  Your role during this discussion is to listen, listening for ways that you could be a solution.  Here are some questions that are good ones to ask:  How did you become interested in this…

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Transition Management Strategies

Significant transitions and changes are incredibly stressful for almost everyone.  There are those few who thrive on big change but most of us find transitions difficult and taxing.  There are some things you can do when going through a transition – whether a job change, a reorganization at your office, a move to a new city, a divorce, or the death of a parent – to take the lead in caring for yourself and increasing your ability to succeed and…

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Resume Building

One aspect of your personal leadership is developing or revising your resume to show potential employers how you can be a solution to their problems. Part of career counseling is helping people know themselves well and then creating inspiring, forward-thinking, professional resumes. Employers often spend less than 30 seconds looking at a resume before they decide to keep or toss. As you are writing your resume, think about what an employer needs and remember, this is your first opportunity to…

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