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What is the Monday Morning Business Coach?
For over 12 years and running, every Monday morning we’ve sent out an email containing an executive coaching “nugget”—a simple, practical tip or strategy for you to easily take action on to start off your work week.
We use the situations of our clients (anonymously, of course) as well as what we’re pondering or reading about to write a short post. We keep it short because we know your life is busy and you need the “quick tips” to solve your problems, help you focus, and move you forward. We’re not claiming we can solve every issue, but we aim to give you the knowledge and wisdom to help you find your own power and create the future you want. You can view past posts below.
As the job market begins to loosen up and attitudes about the economy grow more optimistic, take a few moments to evaluate your future. Are you satisfied with your current role or should you consider making a move? Do a quick scan of your work life and ask yourself, “Would I apply for (and be thrilled to be offered) the job I currently occupy?” If the answer is yes: Congratulations! You are in the right place. Be sure to ask…
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Over the years, we have coached many people and one thing stands out as key to their ability to succeed. That one thing is that they organize their life in pursuit of their goals. In order to stay focused, arrange time each day to reflect on your goals. You can reflect over breakfast, when you arrive at work, or as you get ready for bed – just make sure that you take a moment each day to review your goals…
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As you know, our goal is to support you in claiming your power and creating success in this new economy. And, while we want you to be successful for your own sake, we also want you to be successful for the sake of the world. You see, the more you claim your power and your innate leadership skills, the more positive and effective your impact will be with your family, your community and … the world. Think, for example, what…
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Happy New Year! Welcome to 2012 – the year that you are going to claim your power and your leadership in creating career success in the new economy. Today we are going to invite you to think big. To think about what it means for you to live a life that you are proud of and one that fulfills your sense of what is important in the world. The New Year is an opportunity to imagine, without limitations, a better…
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We have been talking to you these past weeks about how to move forward with power and impact as you look for a job or consider creating greater satisfaction in your current work. We even suggested that you consciously and thoughtfully take advantage of the holiday gatherings to meet new people, connect with people you have known and build alliances that can support your efforts. Today we are going to suggest you rest. (For most of us, today is the…
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Do you remember when you were a kid, the many times you were asked what you wanted to be when you grew up? Without even knowing it, that question probably shaped your current work satisfaction and it may be limiting your success in the new economy. Many of us have chosen a career based on childhood dreams and/or the values that someone else held for us when we were young. We assumed that we would be doing what we…
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Career success in new economy requires that you make choices and take actions that will strengthen your ability to influence your workplace and create a more successful and satisfying job experience. A professional presence requires that you make a conscious and deliberate impact on your work environment and, in return, you are willing to learn from and be influenced by your work environment – regardless of your position or title. In other words, you show up fully because you…
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So often, when people are seeking a job or trying to move to more satisfying work, they feel they have to hide who they are and act in ways that they believe will impress. Instead of trying to impress people by pretending, dig a little deeper into yourself and show them who you are and how the whole of you can contribute to your success. Share with them all of the skills that you bring to creating success – not just those you…
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Despite all of the hype about the joy of the season, for people who are looking for work or who are thinking about creating more satisfying work, the holidays can feel like a “dead” time. They believe that everything is on hold and that they will need to wait until January to kick their efforts into high gear. In this new economy, you need to take charge of your career and grab the opportunities that are available to you when…
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While personal talents and individual contribution are important in the new economy, the ability to engage collaboratively on a team and contribute to a successful team outcome is equally, if not more, important. In today’s economy sharing information in a team setting is vital to generating new ideas and solving complex problems. Organizations want to make the best use of their resources and so they are asking employees to not only do their individual jobs effectively but also to join…
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