Monday Morning Business Coach

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What is the Monday Morning Business Coach?

For over 12 years and running, every Monday morning we’ve sent out an email containing an executive coaching “nugget”—a simple, practical tip or strategy for you to easily take action on to start off your work week.

We use the situations of our clients (anonymously, of course) as well as what we’re pondering or reading about to write a short post. We keep it short because we know your life is busy and you need the “quick tips” to solve your problems, help you focus, and move you forward. We’re not claiming we can solve every issue, but we aim to give you the knowledge and wisdom to help you find your own power and create the future you want. You can view past posts below.

Follow effective action with quiet reflection. From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action. ~ Peter Drucker

Reset and Reflect

Follow effective action with quiet reflection.   From the quiet reflection will come even more effective action. ~ Peter Drucker   One of the key behaviors of successful people—in life and in work—is the ability to self reflect.  Often when we ask the question, “As you reflect on this experience, what have you learned?” we find that people don’t really know what we mean when we ask them to reflect on their experiences.  Their response makes a lot of sense…

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take a break and refuel

Take a Break and Refuel

As surprising as it is, we’re once again heading in to summer. In the Pacific NW, it’s actually been warm and dry. Summer!!! And, while many of us associate summer with summer vacation, not many people really take a break to refuel. We’re here to remind you… if you’re going to create a life you love, where you’re successful, connected, and satisfied, then you need to refuel. So, what do we mean by refuel?   The simple online definition is…

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insight or incite? - road sign pointing both ways

Insight or Incite

These are challenging times for our country and our planet. Daily we’re reminded of the differences that exist in the world, and to feel safer we seek out our allies. Seeking comfort from people who are aligned with you is a very human thing to do; yet it can further polarize our families, workplaces, and worlds.  Unfortunately, polarization breaks down connections and communities. It’s not bad for us to have differences; it’s bad to start to believe those differences automatically…

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If you want to know your past, look into your present conditions. If you want to know your future, look into your present actions. ~ Buddhist Saying

If You Want to Know Your Future…

If you want to know your past, look into your present conditions. If you want to know your future, look into your present actions. ~ Buddhist Saying   We love this quote! It’s a powerful reminder that if you want to create a future that’s different from your present, you have to start by changing what you’re doing presently—in your day-to-day life.    Many of our executive coaching clients seek us out because their present situations are no longer tenable.…

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Don't let inequality sabotage your success - Person wearing two different shoes, one blue, one yellow.

Don’t Let Inequality Sabotage Your Success

We were in a meeting a few weeks ago with a CEO who was describing a major rift in her executive leadership team.  In that conversation, she explained how there was a breakdown in the working relationship between two subgroups of her team, and went on to say that one of the members could sometimes have a sharp edge, which “was probably the issue.” She asked us if we would work with the members of her team to help them…

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don't let fear stop you

Don’t Let Fear Stop You

If you’ve been a part of our community for a while, you know that we think a lot about the ways we can support you to move forward on the things that are important to you, bring you meaning, and create the future that you long for. Sometimes, those words can sound like the phrases on the magazines calling out to you from the local newsstand: “Be happy now!”, “Create the life you love!”, or “10 steps to living with…

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Woman soldier in uniform having a happy interaction with a child.

Memorial Days

For those of you who don’t know this, Memorial Day is described online in this way:  In years since World War I, the day has become a celebration of honor for those who died in all America’s wars, as well as those who are Veterans and current members of the U.S. military. In the U.S., regardless of your politics, most Americans have compassion and appreciation for the men and women of our country in uniform. We use words like “He’s…

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before and after house renovation

Make Your Own Before & After

  Most of us can recall an event in our life that shaped us—something that if asked about you could say, “Before the event I was that way, and after the event I’m this way.” Most of these before and after scenarios weren’t necessarily by choice. It usually takes something pretty big for people to be moved from one state of being to another. In fact, most people have a before/after that is related to something where they had little…

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purpose moves you forward

Passion Matters But Purpose Moves You Forward

  There’s a lot written on following your passion in work and life. Yet, unfocused passion won’t get you where you want to go.   Think for a moment about the things you’re passionate about. Recently, when we asked several clients about their passion, they listed a wide range of things, including great food, dance, the qualities of good coffee, cheese, wine, etc.  When we work with clients to define their purpose, it’s often a compelling and active list. Purpose…

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“Generosity of spirit and a gracious approach to problem solving are, with few exceptions, the most effective way I know to earn lasting goodwill for your business.” -- Danny Meyer

The Benefit of Generosity of Spirit

We regularly talk with leaders about the importance of approaching meetings, decisions, negotiations, etc. with a generosity of spirit, so we were delighted to be reminded of a quote from the 2008 book Setting the Table by Danny Meyer, that echoed our message: “Generosity of spirit and a gracious approach to problem solving are, with few exceptions, the most effective way I know to earn lasting goodwill for your business.”   So, let’s spend some time today considering what exactly…

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We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with leaders, teams, and individuals who are passionate about growing in their leadership and in their ability to create cultures of psychological safety and engagement.

Carpenter Smith Consulting is a Women Business Enterprise, Oregon Cert ID 7047.

Women Business Enterprise

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(503) 274-9447