Thanks to all of you who took a few minutes to take our survey about your hopes for a post-COVID future. We appreciate your feedback!
We saw some themes in the survey results and we look forward to sharing those with you. Before we write about your hopes for the future, we feel it’s important to circle back to a topic we talked about close to the beginning of this pandemic, and that’s grief
We’ve been hearing from many of you again that you’re continuing to feel heavy with grief, exhaustion, and frustration. We want to remind you that you’re not alone, and you’re not crazy
As you bump into this grief, exhaustion, and frustration we suggest you do some or all of the following to honor what a disruptive, disappointing, and disconnecting time this is:

Name it.

  • Seriously – naming what you’re feeling can be helpful!
  • Say it out loud to yourself and to others. Name that you’re grieving, cranky, and worn down.
  • This doesn’t have to be done in a complaining way (and you don’t need to act cranky with others), but
  • Saying it out loud often helps to diffuse your feelings and creates a shared sense of how crazy-making this time feels.

Do what you can do now.

  • Connect with people you love.
    • Do whatever you can to connect safely with people who matter to you.
    • We know your eyes may be bleary from so much time in virtual meetings, but even 30 minutes of a fun virtual connection with your loved ones can lift your spirits.
  • Get outside and enjoy nature.
    • There’s more and more evidence that being outside can lift your mood.
    • Even a quick walk around the block with a cup of coffee, tea, or water can help.
  • Move your body.
    • Look for small ways to move throughout your day, and for sustained exercise allow yourself a 30+ minute block of time during the day.
    • For those of you who have no room or resources to add workout equipment, check out YouTube for some great ideas.
  • Rest more.
    • Everything that we’re dealing with is taxing our brains and our energies. Period.
    • Give yourself permission to do things like nap, go to bed a little earlier, to sleep a little later, or take meditation breaks.

If you find yourself feeling more and more sad, depressed, or anxious
reach out to your primary care provider or to a therapist for support.
It’s not a statement of weakness;
you’re taking action on your own behalf because you matter

Don’t forget that by taking good care of yourself, you’ll increase your resistance to stress and illness, and will be more likely to show up at your best.

If you’d like additional support in honoring and nurturing yourself, please contact us today.