Now that we’ve taken a look back at Your Yesterday and your Your Tomorrow, we’d like to support you to live in alignment with your vision.
So, the question is, “How can you set yourself up for success?”
To do that, we’re going to have you identify the obstacles that are most likely to get in your way, as well as a plan for how you’ll get around them. This is known as “realistic ideation.”
Research has shown that people are more likely to see success when they:
- envision the outcome they want
- are clear about the obstacles they’ll face along the way
- plan for both of the above
Below you’ll find some prompts and examples to support you in setting yourself up for success.
- What are the 1-3 obstacles / challenges that are most likely to get in your way of achieving your vision of success? Some answers we’ve heard include:
- I don’t have the skills I need.
- I struggle with meeting new people.
- I can get lost in my work and am then depleted.
- My negative self-talk gets in my way.
- I have too many responsibilities to others.
- I don’t have the resources to support my efforts.
- What are the small steps you’ll take to get around or through your obstacles / challenges, to get you closer to your vision of success? Create a plan for how you’ll keep yourself motivated and on track. The more detailed you can get, the better for your success. Some answers we’ve heard include:
- If I find myself getting lost in my work more than 2 days in a row, then, I will start setting a timer on my phone to leave at 5pm, and will ask my partner to support and encourage me to set work boundaries (i.e. not check email!)
- If my negative self-talk gets in my way, then, I will pause and take 10 minutes to write down all of my skills and gifts I’m grateful for.
- If I’m finding myself overwhelmed with the amount of support I’m giving to others, then, I will look for the possibilities to delegate, delay, or delete some of those responsibilities.
Take some time this week to do some realistic ideation of your own. Write down your top 1-3 obstacles / challenges and then detail out the small steps you’ll take, to get around those obstacles.
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Your Success
Stay tuned for our post next week where we’ll ask, “How can you stay on track (even when life throws you a curve ball)?”
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