Over the past month, we’ve been covering some important aspects of Your Leadership. So far, we’ve covered your StrengthsPausingTrust, and Curiosity.

Today, we’d like to focus on YOU. Specifically, your health and wellbeing and some ways you can take care of yourself. We know that it’s difficult to show up at your best if you haven’t also tended to your own self.

Over the years, we’ve covered quite a bit about burnout symptoms, prevention, and recovery (for both yourself and those you’re leading).

Burnout is, in many ways, a response to depletion and has very real physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences.

Learning how to take care of yourself is critical,
so that you can live with energy,
success, and satisfaction.

If you’ve been neglecting your health and wellbeing, are feeling overwhelmed, stressed, or burned out, what can you do?

The common theme we’ve found in the research and in the work we do, is that connection is key. Connection to self and others, and knowing when you need one versus the other.

We suggest taking a moment each day to check in with yourself to ask something like,

“What do I need today?
Connection to myself,
connection to others,
or some combination of both?”

Our most recent covering of this topic was in a multi-post series last year. Today, we’re providing you with some of top suggestions (from us, our clients, and the research), for both connection to self and connection to others.

When you check in with yourself and decide that you need connection to self, consider if something on this list would be fulfilling for you:

  • Reflect on your life priorities.
  • Spend time: in nature, moving, listening to music, reading, or laughing.
  • Spend a few moments savoring and/or writing down gratitudes.
  • Practice 1-5 minutes of mindful breathing.
  • Celebrate your gifts and accomplishments – big and small!

When you check in with yourself and decide that you need connection to others, consider if something on this list would be refueling for you:

  • Let a friend know that you appreciate them.
  • Share a laugh, creation, walk, coffee, or other experience.
  • Host a “beating burnout” challenge with colleagues.
  • Practice random acts of kindness.
  • Ask for support from loved ones, colleagues, health professional, or coach.

Nurturing your relationships with others and yourself can support you in feeling fueled versus drained. Genuine connection is key to your health and wellness.

If you’re interested in the full list of suggestions, you can download a PDF here: Burnout Nuggets for Self.

Remember, it’s important to start small, so we suggest finding one “go to” thing from each list and try them out.

Let us know what’s worked for you.

If you’d like support
leading at your best

contact us today.