Over the past month we’ve been providing you with some frameworks to support you in navigating your careerretirement, and personal transitions.

We heard from some of you saying that you found these posts helpful in planning how to move forward with your changes. We’re pleased that you found them useful!

Some of you wrote to us saying that you’re feeling stuck. You know that something needs to change but you’re unsure what it might look like.

We hear you and we’re sorry that you’re struggling. To support you, we’re providing you with some various frameworks that could get you thinking about your priorities, passions, and motivations.

As you read through the frameworks below, consider using one or more of them, to help you gain clarity about the type of a shift you want to make in your life.

Life Priorities:

  • Naming your Life Priorities is a great way to help you identify, articulate, and claim the things that really matter to you.
  • Once you have your top priorities identified, you can use them to support you in creating a life that feels fulfilling and successful for you.
  • What are the things that matter most to you in your life?

Visual of You

  • Most of us can get very comfortable in how we describe ourselves to others, so we’re encouraging you to use this new and different lens to see yourself more clearly.
  • Using the following areas, create a visual (yes, a visual!) that represents who you are today.
    • Head: intellectual stimulation and mental health
    • Heart: deep connections
    • Spirit: reflection or spiritual practice
    • Instincts: inner voice and self-connection
    • Body: physical health
    • Work: skills and environment
    • Leisure: downtime and fun
    • Past: successes and challenges
    • Future: hopes and dreams

Future Aspirations

  • Try to imagine, without limitations, the future you want—a future where you matter in your own life and have the fuel to care for the people and organizations that matter to you.
  • Using areas similar to above, write some notes about what a 10 (your highest aspiration) looks like, feels like, and lives like.
    • Head: intellectual stimulation and mental health
    • Heart: deep connections and ability to listen to your heart
    • Spirit: living your priorities and time in reflection or spiritual practice
    • Instincts: listening to your inner voice and connecting to yourself
    • Body: your physical health and being mindful of your needs
    • Work: using your best skills and being in an environment where you thrive
    • Leisure: doing things that you enjoy and making time for yourself
    • Past: learning from successes and challenges and releasing what doesn’t serve you

As you review your final life priorities, visual of you, and/or your future aspirations, you may find that they aren’t in sync with how you want to be living. If that’s the case, consider asking yourself one or more of these assessment questions to help you gain clarity on where you’d like to focus:

  • What am I pleased with? What would I like to change?
  • What’s going well? What’s been challenging? What would I like to do differently moving forward?
  • What feels out of balance? In order to live a satisfying life, what do I need to start, stop, or continue doing?

We hope you found these suggestions useful as you’re navigating these uncertain times.

Please keep us posted as you reflect on where you are today and where you envision going tomorrow.

If you’d like support staying on track
with your career, retirement, or life transition,
contact us today.