Last week, we started a series of Wellness Nuggets to help you move out of Languishing and closer to overall well-being. In that post, we shared some suggestions to help you focus on your emotional health. Today, we’re continuing this topic, with a focus on your physical health.
Physical health comes from tending to your body with intention and compassion. It comes from sleep, food, and movement.
For instance, Stephanie likes riding her bicycle – it’s been her go-to de-stressor since childhood and is still true today. A ride around the neighborhood or on one of the bike paths near her in Portland gives her a good workout and a new perspective in less than an hour.
Additional Wellness Nuggets for Physical Health:
- 30 seconds: Set reminders on your phone to pause and breathe.
- 5 minutes: When you get up to go to the bathroom, walk or dance around your house a couple of times.
- 1 minute: Drink a glass of water when you wake up.
- Go to bed 15-30 minutes earlier than normal.
- 2-3 minutes: Do a movement class (there are lots of options on YouTube).
- 5 minutes: Put the healthy food at the front of your fridge so you see it first.
- 5 minutes: Stretch your body whenever you think about it.
- Take a walk and set your alarm for 5 minutes, when it rings, turn around and head home.
Look at the list above and see if there is anything that speaks to you. What does your body need to feel rested, strong, and energetic? What simple action can you build into your days and weeks to support your body?
Try just one little thing this week and let us know how it goes. We’re here to support you on your wellness journey!
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If you’d like support in moving from languishing to greater well-being, contact us today.