If you’ve been reading the Monday Morning Business Coach for a while you probably know that we are big fans of small steps.
When you take small steps, you’re less likely to evoke internal, psychological resistance to change and start to get traction. And when you take those small steps consistently over time you can end up in an entirely new place!
“Small steps taken consistently over time will lead you to your goals faster than big steps taken from time to time.”
— Carpenter Smith Consulting
We use this framework in much of the work we do and in the programs we offer because we’ve seen people make significant and important change by taking small steps consistently over time.
We know that when you change, the people in your life may get nervous. The good news is that slower, more consistent change over time can decrease others’ fear and resistance, as well as your own. (Next week we’ll be talking about how to navigate others’ reactivity to your changes.)
This week, take a moment to think about a goal that’s important to you and that has been challenging to get traction on. Once you have that goal in mind, write down 1-3 steps you can take consistently over the next 3-6 months to move you toward that goal.
For example:
You want to build your credibility with your boss. Truly, there is no way you can achieve that goal in a single meeting. Instead, if you commit to connecting with your boss twice a month over the next several months to share successes, seek guidance for high-level thinking, and bring ideas to the table for implementing your boss’s goals, they will start to see your expertise and credibility.
Instead, if you commit to connecting with your boss twice a month over the next several months to share successes, seek guidance for high-level thinking, and bring ideas to the table for implementing your boss’s goals, they will start to see your expertise and credibility.
Another example:
You want to build exercise into your life, but it’s likely that committing to 1 hour a day will not last long.
If you commit to 10 minutes, three times a week right after you roll out of bed, make it non-negotiable, then in a year you’ll have made a considerable impact on your health.
Consider the small steps you can take consistently over time to move you closer to achieving your goals!