We hit the ground running these past few months with posts to support you in planning for the new year, as well as learning how to put reciprocal influence into action. We’ve been influencing you with our thoughts and suggestions.
And now, we’d like to pause and allow you to influence us. How do we do that? One of the ways is to regularly look at which posts are getting the most engagement, which can inform us about the topics that are important to you.
A post we did back in December called Are You Overfunctioning?, was one of our most popular ones, which tells us that many of you likely have too much on your plate and may be overwhelmed or burned out. You’ve influenced us by engaging with, and continuing to request posts on this topic. So today, we want to recommend you pause, and look for the quiet spaces.
Morgan Harper Nichols writes about the importance of the quiet spaces in life, in her writing titled, The Rest Between Notes. We came across this lovely piece recently, and we thought we’d share it with you today.
Morgan is an artist, writer, and musician (among many other things!), and she reminds us in this quote, that resting is just as important as doing.
“Let the quiet interludes, wherever they find you, remind you of their importance. These pauses are more critical to the flow of life than they might appear. When restlessness arises, think of rest not as an empty measure where silence prevails, but as a meaningful space between songs—a transition that makes way for something new. Even a single beat of rest can hold significance, creating space for reflection, renewal, and the continuation of life’s melody.”
– Morgan Harper Nichols
We appreciate Morgan’s gentle reminder in this quote. If it speaks to you too, consider clicking through to read the full piece here: The Rest Between Notes.
This week, look for some quiet spaces in your world. As you notice them, we encourage you to pause, breathe, and embrace them.
Be well.
If you’re feeling
overwhelmed or burned out,
contact us today for support.