In our layoff post last week, we focused on providing those of you who may have been laid off, with some suggestions for moving forward.

Today, we want to focus on those of you who are leading others through the aftermath of a layoff.

If you’re leading others through a layoff, you may find yourself feeling guilty about the decisions you needed to make, and apprehensive about how to connect with the team of people who are still there.

It’s important to engage the team early and often. Remain curious and open as you listen to their perspectives and seek to create a path forward, together.

Remember, at Carpenter Smith Consulting, we believe that:

Leadership is the willingness
to influence your world
and the willingness
to be influenced by your world,
regardless of role or title.

Consider if one or more of the below suggestions could help you support yourself and your team:

  • “We’re all grieving a sense of loss, and that our workplace as we know it has fundamentally changed.”
  • “Be gentle with yourself and others during this difficult time. Take care of yourself and lean on each other for support.”
  • “What are your big concerns right now?”
  • “Let me know if you need a different kind of support or just some time for a break. I will do what I can to support you.”
  • “It’s more important than ever to name what support would look like for each of us, during this difficult time. What would support from me look like? What would support from the team look like?”
  • Reread our Another Layoff post, for additional suggestions that can support you and your team to stay connected.

Step into your leadership this week by influencing your world and being influenced by your world. Your leadership matters now more than ever.

We’re here if you need support.

If you’d like support
leading others through a layoff

contact us today.