As our nation mourns the loss of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, we’d like to take a moment to remember her as a tireless advocate for the underrepresented, an ally for justice, and a true leader.
In our world, leadership is the willingness to influence your world and be influenced by your world, regardless of your role or title. Justice Ginsberg demonstrated leadership throughout her life and each day in her work.
If she taught us anything, it’s that we must keep moving toward what we care about even when the odds are against us. She inspired us through her commitment to our nation and to the rights of women and minorities, even when the votes didn’t go her way.

“Fight for the things that you care about
but do it in a way that will lead others to join you.”
~ Ruth Bader Ginsberg

RBG, as she was affectionately called, didn’t set out to be a Supreme Court Justice – she fought for what she cared about – making sure that the law protected everyone equally. 
Imagine if each one of us fought for what we cared about in a way that would lead others to join us.

Spend some time this week considering what you care about and how you will fight for it.
Let us know what that looks like for you.