Having engaging 1:1s with your employees is imperative to creating a foundation of psychological safety and trust. When people feel a sense of safety and trust, they’re more likely to bring their best to the team and the organization.
We regularly hear from you (both managers and employees), that while you’re having regular 1:1s, the meetings have become stale, are one-sided, or just don’t feel productive. We hear you and appreciate you sharing with us.
To support you today, we’re providing some guidance for Creating Engaging 1:1s, using our simple framework.
When you’re having regular 1:1s, consider asking some open-ended questions to gain greater engagement and ownership from your employees. Here are our suggestions:
- What were your successes this past week?
- What were your challenges?
- What did you learn?
- What are your suggestions for what you’ll focus on in the upcoming week?
- What support do you need from me in order to be successful?
To make a successful transition to this framework, we recommend that you to communicate to them ahead of time. Your communication can be as simple as saying something like,
“I’d love for us to get the most out of our 1:1s together. To do that, I’m looking at a new structure aimed at a more collaborative meeting. We can plan to assess in a month or so, what we’ve seen as the benefits and concerns of the new framework, and any suggestions we have to continue improving them.
With this new structure, I’ll be asking you to identify successes, challenges, and learnings, as well as suggestions for your focus areas for the upcoming week. In addition, I’ll be asking you to consider what support you need from me in order to be successful.
Do you have any questions or concerns at this time?”
You don’t have to use this exact scripting. The important part is that you have a conversation with them ahead of time so that they understand what will change and why, as well as leaving space for their input.
In your 1:1s (and team meetings too!), asking questions is the best way to learn what’s working, what’s not working, and what could be better.
These conversations are a great time to put our Reciprocal Influence framework into action by having two-way conversations where they influence you and you influence them.
When people provide you with their input, listen. Really listen. Summarize what you’ve heard them say and then clarify when needed.
Engaging 1:1s can provide you with space
for curiosity, connection, and collaboration.
This week, consider implementing this framework in your 1:1s and let us know how it goes!
If you’d like support
to create some space
in your days,
contact us today.