While we know that January 1st is simply the day after December 31st, we love that so many people pause around this time of year to reflect on where they have been this past year and where they want to go in the next. For some people, this is a celebratory time of vision and excitement, for some it’s facing upcoming grief or loss, and as we saw last week, for many it’s a time to start anew and create a year that brings renewed satisfaction and pride.
Recently, we heard a lecture that started by telling the audience that there are approximately 525,600 minutes in a year and asked us what we hoped to do with those minutes. Thinking in terms of the minutes and recognizing that we are going to live them one way or the other, we began to think about how to support the people in our lives in making the most of those minutes. So, whether you are excited about the prospects of the coming year or fearful about the challenges, or both, we’d encourage you to spend ten minutes looking ahead to 2015. To look ahead we are offering you three steps, so grab something to write on that you will have with you in the coming year and let’s get started:
1. Pause
As many of you know, we created a framework that we call the Fundamental Pause© to help people shift from being in reactive mode to being responsive to what is in front of them. Start your 10 minutes by actively pausing and asking yourself, “What do I need to do, who do I need to ask for support, how do I need to think about my life to move forward in a way that is truly aligned with my goals for 2015?” Trust that there will be many, many, many things that will attempt to take you off your path—so being deliberate in your thinking here will help you set the year’s course.
2. Consider How You Show Up When You Are At Your Best (Even When Life is Throwing you its Worst)
Thinking about your goals for the upcoming year, ask yourself: Which of them grabs you by the throat and makes you afraid? Reflect on how you act, think, and speak when you are afraid. Then ask yourself, What you would do in that moment and in the upcoming year if you were at your best? Make notes. What would you do on your own behalf if you were at your best even when things are not going as you had hoped?
3. Get Support To Be At Your Best
Now spend the rest of the time thinking about who in your life supports you taking action on your own behalf. Who pushes, loves, cajoles, and nudges you to be at your best? Make a list of those people. If names don’t immediately come to mind, dig a little deeper and spend some time identifying your allies or potential allies. Without supportive allies, you may look up 525,600 minutes later and find yourself exactly where you are today or where you were last year. Grab this year. Get the support you need. If it’s not currently in your life, find a mentor, therapist, or coach. If we can help, let us know. But don’t wait.
525,6000 minutes sounds like a lot of time, but we all know it is easily squandered. Grab these moments to create the life you will feel proud to call yours.