
How to Disagree without being Disagreeable

Throughout our lives, there are times (sometimes many times) when we disagree with someone about an issue.  Whether that person is someone we work with, live with, or relate to on a regular basis, knowing how to disagree with them without being disagreeable in an important skill that will increase your effectiveness and personal power. Two basic things are required to effectively disagree with someone without being disagreeable, the first is knowledge of oneself and second, communication skills.   Let’s look…

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Building Organizational Commitment

In our last two posts, we’ve encouraged you to get people to move forward because of their commitment to the organization instead of getting stuck on finding fault in others (See 5 Steps to Effectively Attack the Problem and Trust is Not a Weapon). Building commitment to an organization is an underlying and critical aspect of creating an effective work force, yet very few leaders and managers know how they can facilitate the kind of commitment that supports organizational success.…

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Increase Your Awareness

An important source of information that folks often overlook when exploring or considering their next career move is their own observation.  By this I mean, start observing with close attention to two areas: What are other people doing in their careers/jobs that looks interesting or fun to you.  Don’t make any judgment about whether you could do that exact job, but rather analyze why that work looks fun. Identify those people and/or organizations that are inspiring or motivating to you. …

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“Trust” is Not a Weapon

Last week we talked about 5 ways to focus your efforts when things go awry.  We believe it’s critical that you attack the problem and leave the people associated with the problem intact.  Number 3 on that list was: Get participants to move forward because of a commitment to the organization rather than getting caught up on the notion of “trust”.  At that time, we promised to share more of our thinking on trust, so here goes.  In our experience…

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5 Steps to Effectively Attack the Problem

Last week we talked about the importance of attacking the problem and leaving the people associated with the problem intact. Today we want to offer you some guidelines for doing so effectively.  In 1981, Roger Fisher and William Ury wrote a game-changing book called Getting to Yes. They were the first to change the conversation about how to go into a negotiation.  Their work has dramatically changed the world’s perspective on how to approach tough issues with a level of…

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Attack the Problem, Not the Person

As this week’s title indicates, we want to explore the concept of fiercely attacking a problem without attacking the person who is attached to the problem (either directly or indirectly.)  Seems reasonable, doesn’t it?  Unfortunately, for most people, it’s much harder than it sounds.  For so many of us, when we hear about a problem, or even a potential problem, the first reaction we have is something along the lines of “What the *%#!*^!”   The next thought is typically, “Wasn’t…

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Great Questions to Ask When Making Contacts

Remember, the goal in making contacts and having a discussion is to gain information – information that helps you make decisions about the possible directions for your career.  People like to talk about their job, their personal story and their views of the industry and its future.  Your role during this discussion is to listen, listening for ways that you could be a solution.  Here are some questions that are good ones to ask:  How did you become interested in this…

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It’s Not Personal

One of the more difficult, and important, things for us to do as adults is to understand that most of the things that happen to us, or around us, are not personal.  In fact, despite sometimes being directed toward us, they often have very little to do with us at all.  It’s tempting to believe that the events unfolding around us have been thoughtfully crafted to influence us or designed to upset us and throw us off our game. Most…

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We All Have Our Kryptonite

Last week, we asked you to write your Hero’s Story.  If you didn’t pause to reflect on your heroic deeds, be sure to check out our previous post here.  Knowing your Hero’s story is important!  And trust us, you have one.  As important as knowing and claiming your Hero’s Story is knowing and respecting your kryptonite (that which causes you to lose your power and effectiveness). This week, we would like you to identify your kryptonite.  Kryptonite is a (fictional)…

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You and Superman – BFFs

Like Superman, you have a Hero’s Story (one that illuminates your strengths, your courage, and your extraordinary feats), and like Superman you also have your own version of Kryptonite (that causes you to lose your effectiveness). Superman’s only advantage over you (besides the obvious cape thing!) is that someone took the time to tell his hero’s story. Superman’s hero story is filled with deeds that seem heroic to us, but to him, he is just using the gifts and talents that came…

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