
The Best Time to Plant a Tree

While many of us are committed to ongoing personal and professional growth, often when we learn something new or become aware of new ways of moving in the world, there is a bit of sadness. Over and over, we have heard people say with a longing or even an anger toward themselves, “Gee, I wish I had known this 20 years ago!” or “What is wrong with me, I should have known this already!” We have had that feeling as…

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Your Meeting Agenda: Recipe for Success

As consultants we have been in and observed more meetings than we can probably count and can say without hesitation that the best meetings always, always have a good agenda. The businessperson’s relationship with agenda’s has not been consistent over the years.  In the 90’s, many agenda’s went overboard and became dictatorial – they were rigid, tedious and drained all life or spontaneity from meetings.   They were born of a zealous need to use those new computer programs to organize…

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Benefits, Concerns & Suggestions

The process of shifting a team to engage them fully in solving a problem, looking for opportunities, or challenging the cultural norms takes practice but can be successfully started using a simple discussion framework that we call Benefits, Concerns & Suggestions. The Benefits / Concerns / Suggestions framework is an easy to use discussion process that will shift the way your team works.  To use the framework, take the following steps: Use this format to foster engagement and communication.  Always…

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But . . . How Do I Get My Team to Participate in Meetings?

Last week we wrote a post entitled, Stop Talking! Now, Communicate and we received many responses from leaders who were having success connecting in new and much deeper ways with the people in their organizations as they stopped talking and started listening.  Through listening, they were beginning to see a level of engagement and commitment to solving organizational problems that they had not realized was “out there.” We also received quite a number of inquiries asking us how to get…

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Is Procrastination Easier?

Have you ever had this experience?  You have a purpose and a plan.  You may have even mapped out the steps  your going to take in order to get results.  You’re actually pretty excited about it.  But then you don’t make a move.  Why is it so hard to get started?  You may even begin to wonder if there is something wrong with you that keeps you from moving forward.  Moving toward the better life that you have envisioned for…

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Stop Talking! Now, Communicate.

As executive coaches and management consultants, we have worked with hundreds of individuals and organizations in our combined 35+ years of experience. As such, people often ask us what makes some organizations successful and others less so—despite similar conditions. We recently sat down to mull this one over—and came back to what we have seen over and over again. The secret to success comes down to one thing: a leader’s willingness to influence and to be influenced by every member…

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Leaders Who Won’t Listen

Last week’s post was a look at NW Nice, an ailment which is affecting business professionals in the NW corner of the country.  Well, we heard from many of you across the U.S. letting us know that this plague is common in all parts of the nation, but it is known by different names depending on geography.   We also heard from people who saw themselves in the post and asked us to comment on managers and leaders who shut…

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Combating NW Nice

 There is something of an epidemic plaguing businesses in the Pacific Northwest called Northwest Nice (NW Nice).  NW Nice is an affliction whereby a business professional will smile and speak collaboratively about an issue or a person in a public forum but later, will attack and/or undermine the very same issue or person behind closed doors.   The problem with this disease is that the afflicted rarely believe they have the ailment. They deny their behaviors and imply that “others”…

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Before you say “I Do”

Joining an organization is a lot like a marriage – it’s a commitment that will span the good times and bad, there will be days when you are delighted to stay and days when you think about leaving, and you may have the opportunity to create a connection that is rich and meaningful over time. And, as in a marriage, many of us join an organization because the good feelings we had about the hiring manager and we can be…

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When Life is “Just Fine”

I had a revelation the other day about pain and what people often refer to as “being stuck.”  When I heard someone ask the question, “are they in enough pain to make a change?”   It suddenly came to me  how often I have stayed where I am in my life, in a mediocre relationship, unhealthy in my body, a difficult work place, all the time  complaining about being stuck.  So the thought that perhaps I wasn’t in enough pain…

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