
Great, I Have My Vision and I’m Going to Do It

At this point, if you have been following our posts, you have written your statement of Purpose and even if you don’t believe it’s perfect, you are living with it and playing with it as you explore it’s fit.  And, after last week’s post, you have some idea of your Vision for what your life will look like in 3 – 5 years.  The goal is not perfection, but rather to get you thinking about what you want to move…

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Pursuing Your Vision

Last time we asked you to write a statement of purpose that you will use to help define your vision.  Your vision is what you aspire to create in your life.  Having a vision helps you to wisely allocate your time and energy because your vision manifests your purpose in the world day-to-day.   A vision, as the word implies, is something that is out in the future – just a little. Therefore, your vision statement should be based on…

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You Need to Know Your Purpose to Claim Your Vision

We have been talking, over the past few months, about taking action in alignment with your vision.  In that time, we have had a number people write that they love the idea of working toward their vision but they don’t know how to define their vision.  So…   Your vision is an aspirational statement of how you want the whole of your life to look in 3 – 5 years. Your vision is something you actually believe is possible but…

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A Million (or more) Distractions

Did you know that the average person is exposed to enough information in a day to fill 174 newspapers (85 pages in length) from cover to cover? Think about this for a moment – it’s staggering. There is almost no place you can go without being confronting by information, even public bathrooms now have ads and promotions inside the stall vying for your attention. And, while we love our smart phones and tablets, it’s seductive to stay connected day and…

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The Leader in You

We are passionate about changing the way people think about leadership.  We have taught our Charting Bold Creative Leadership training to executives and organizational leaders and we’ve supported them to understand that they will have more power, and their organizations  will have more success, if they help individuals at all levels in all roles step into their leadership. Families, organizations, and communities everywhere need each person to step into their leadership, regardless of their role.  Yet, we find over and over again, that people have…

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3 Things To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do

If you are like the rest of us, you sometimes find yourself in situations where you don’t have a drop down menu. Your drop down menu consists of all the options your brain scans when you are confronted with an opportunity or a challenge. It works great unless your drop down menu doesn’t have an option that fits the situation, or if the drop down menu you have used previously is no longer helpful. While most of us feel quite…

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What to Do When You Blow It

Me? Blow it? The truth is, we all blow it.  As leaders, team members, staff, parents, adult kids, neighbors, you name it; it’s human nature to blow it from time to time.  And, here’s the paradox about blowing it, if you handle the moments after you realize what you’ve done well, you can actually build greater trust, loyalty, credibility and intimacy despite having blown it.  So, it’s important that you learn how to handle “blow it” moments thoughtfully and with…

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Building A Great Team

It seems an almost universal experience that at some point in our lives we will need to build a great team.  It’s not just those of us who need to run a corporation or a non-profit, it’s also those of us trying to gather together wonderful helpers for a elementary school classroom, or parents looking for amazing people to support their family.  When we want to build a team, we are all faced with the opportunity (and the challenge) of…

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Conquering Fear

Fear has a funny place in our culture – it is both sought after and it is abhorred.    As a species, we are comfortable with fear on our own terms – like when we watch horror films, ride rollercoasters, or engage in adrenaline-rushing sports.  In these instances, it’s quite clear what is causing the fear and, more importantly, what we need to do to manage the fear should we begin to feel overwhelmed by it.     We are…

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We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with leaders, teams, and individuals who are passionate about growing in their leadership and in their ability to create cultures of psychological safety and engagement.

Carpenter Smith Consulting is a Women Business Enterprise, Oregon Cert ID 7047.

Women Business Enterprise

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