
Our Insides and Their Outsides

A number of years ago, a thoughtful and talented business owner, Andrea, was bumping into some old anxieties about the sustainability of her business and the decisions she was making. We spent a couple of meetings teasing out the data behind her anxiety. We explored what she needed to be genuinely concerned about as the industry changed and the economy floundered. We also explored the various old messages, which were rooted in her family, that were grabbing her by the…

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Leader in the Air

Recently, we took a cross-country flight and on the flight we witnessed an extraordinary leader in action. Let us explain: At Carpenter Smith Consulting we define leadership as a willingness to influence your world and a willingness to be influenced by your world (or in this case, a plane with 180 passengers on board). One of the things we see in great leaders is that they are in relationship with the people they lead even if it’s not face-to-face. As…

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Memorial Day

Over the years, Memorial Day has come to mean many different things in our culture—it’s the beginning of summer, the running of the Indianapolis 500, and a day of countless sales—everything from mattresses to lawn furniture. It can be hard remember why we have this holiday at all. A brief history lesson: Memorial Day is the day when we remember the men and women who died while serving our country. Originally (in 1862), it was called Decoration Day, an apolitical…

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Adding a Quotation to your Resume

Development or revision of a resume is an ongoing, challenging effort.  Remember that we adjust and revise descriptions of our professional experience in our resume to address a specific position.  We add elements as our skills or experience build and broaden.  We are constantly challenged on how to accurately present our value so that we truly can be understood as a “solution” to the work world. Today, I want you to take a pause in this ongoing process and think…

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“Apply Yourself”

One of the things teachers often say to the parents of struggling kids is, “Johnny just needs to apply himself.” The parents often walk away agreeing that, in fact, Johnny does need to apply himself and they tell him as much when they get home. While it may sound like a utilitarian comment, it is far from clear what action is required in “applying” oneself—therefore, nothing changes. We can only imagine the number of kids who walk away rolling their…

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How Do I Help People Know What They Don’t Know?

We received some very nice comments about last week’s post, thank you, and also another question that deserves some thought. “What do you do with people who don’t know enough to know whether or not they are going to hurt the business?” Last week we talked about how to establish the 3-5 rules that, if set, could help guide individuals and teams as they are tackling all the things that come at them day-to-day and week-to-week. The challenge of course,…

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How to Identify the “Right” 3 – 5 Rules

Thank you for your comments on last week’s post, 3 – 5 Rules. A lot of executives out there resonated with the idea of providing 3 – 5 key expectations or “rules” that can guide their team as they make choices in their leadership and their work. And, many of you asked how to identify the “right” rules for your teams. As we said in last week’s post, the key to developing powerful rules “is to keep them broad enough…

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3 – 5 Rules

We are often in the role of providing guidance to those who provide direction to others—executive, managers, community leaders, parents and coaches—and we regularly find that they have many and varied expectations and “rules” for performance. We also find that the people they are directing often report that they are constantly guessing about whether they know the rule of the day. In over twenty years of coaching and consulting, we have found that people are most successful when they have…

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Do You Have What it Takes?

I was just reading yesterday about how important “emotional intelligence” is in the career searching and decision-making processes.  Studies have actually shown that this concept that was identified several decades ago is playing a significant role in the job search and work environment today.  Attitude, and how you interact with other people is critical to career success and satisfaction.  Employers today are looking for people with the right “attitude” and personality traits.  People who can work well with others, respect…

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Dealing with Bad News

There comes a time in each of our lives when we are the recipient of “bad news.” You know, the news that kicks you in the gut and for that moment, the world stands still. A few of the “bad news” topics that we have supported our clients through include: the loss of a valued employee, important client, respected boss, desired promotion and promising job; the loss of a marriage, the failure of a business, the death of a parent;…

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We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with leaders, teams, and individuals who are passionate about growing in their leadership and in their ability to create cultures of psychological safety and engagement.

Carpenter Smith Consulting is a Women Business Enterprise, Oregon Cert ID 7047.

Women Business Enterprise

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(503) 274-9447