
What You Can Do As A Boss

We are just thrilled by the response to our Career Leadership series. Thank you for your kind words and great questions. This past week, an executive with a team of about 8 direct reports asked us how he could support the career leadership of the people working for him. He described his dilemma as this—“I really want to support my team in their career leadership, even if they may want to leave the company, while also ensuring that they continue…

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It’s Not Too Late To Have A Great Career

Thank you for your wonderful response to last week’s post, Thinking Differently About Your Career, and Jill’s free video series. As our Director of Career Services, Jill is leading the charge to support you as you step into leading your career – wherever you are in the process. It’s important to understand that career leadership is not only about jobs that you take for pay; it’s about all your work. It’s about all of the work that brings you meaning…

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Motivation and Drive

We were recently talking with a gifted leader who has done incredible work with his organization’s leaders using the concepts from Daniel Pink’s 2011 book Drive. It’s a great book and it’s summarized in a very engaging YouTube video that we would encourage you to watch. It takes about 10 minutes and yet it hits all the highlights of this counter-intuitive and thought-provoking book about motivation. The short version is this: Despite our cultural belief that people work for money,…

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Did You Ask?

We were recently talking with a friend about some of the things we want to do with our business. We were saying that we need to further expand our reach in the world—continuing to build the number of people who receive these posts, expanding the impact we have with our trainings, and responding to the need for individuals around our country and, indeed, the world, for help in claiming their power and stepping into their leadership in every aspect of…

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Do You Have a Faulty Alarm?

One of the things we hear over and over again from clients, colleagues, and friends is that it’s challenging to use The Fundamental Pause when they have a strong physiological reaction. They describe the experience of flashing with anxiety, anger, and fear so powerfully that they simply “need” to react. We understand their experience as we have seen it in many clients over the years and have experienced it ourselves. There are those times when the physical nature of a…

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Focusing Your Attention

Last week we asked you to notice the different ways in which you pay attention to others. We asked that you watch how you show up in person as well as when reading notes and emails from people in your life. The choice to bring a deep, focused attention to others in your life is an important one. It’s not that we think you need to bring this same level of attention to all situations, but we do believe you…

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Pay Attention

Giving someone the benefit of your full attention is a true gift and, unfortunately, it is becoming a rare occurrence. If you think about the level of demand and pace faced by people today, it is amazing that any of us are able to pay attention to others at all. When interacting with others, most of us are quick to make decisions and to judge things as right or wrong, and once that occurs, it’s nearly impossible to pay attention…

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When Rumors Swirl

We were recently contacted by a client of ours who was shaken to have heard that there were rumors about what he was doing within his organization that had no basis in reality. Last year, another client of ours (an introvert who must get time alone to refuel and to think clearly) came to us to talk about the feedback that she’d gotten that she was being described as arrogant and unwilling to work collaboratively within her organization. And, one…

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Humans like to win. Most of us experience a sense of joy or even elation when we feel we are winning (or when we are part of a winning team) and a sense of grief and sorrow when we lose (just ask those of us who are Seahawks fans). The research shows that when we are winning, we feel better about our lives in general. Winners are able to overcome obstacles easier and are less likely to give up when…

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Building Confidence

We’ve been talking about Personal Agility and at Carpenter Smith Consulting, we define personal agility as: the ability to respond quickly and nimbly to the disappointment or obstacle you face by pausing to stay emotionally present (to yourself and others) and then taking action on your own behalf or on behalf of those you care about. Confidence is at the center of agility because you have to believe that you have the power and the ability to respond to the…

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We stand shoulder-to-shoulder with leaders, teams, and individuals who are passionate about growing in their leadership and in their ability to create cultures of psychological safety and engagement.

Carpenter Smith Consulting is a Women Business Enterprise, Oregon Cert ID 7047.

Women Business Enterprise

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(503) 274-9447