How Do I Support Others?
Today, we’re focusing on what support for others could look like.
Today, we’re focusing on what support for others could look like.
Today, we’re providing you with some additional ways you can support your brain during these uncertain times.
We’re continuing to see unprecedented levels of stress, trauma, and depression that we haven’t seen in our lifetimes.
To help us reflect on last year, we went back through our posts to see which ones resonated with you the most.
To help us reflect on last year, we went back through our posts to see which ones resonated with you the most.
Now that we’ve looked back, in, and around, we’d like you to think about looking forward toward the future.
Today, we’d like you to consider looking out and around at your world and sharing your story.
Using the same areas of your life that you used for looking back, we’d now like you to look in and create a visual that represents who you are today.
This week, we’re continuing to take a look back at last year to help you review where you’ve been before looking to the future.
While it’s important to spend time thinking about your future, we’ve found that it’s more powerful to consider your vision for your future after you’ve looked back at your past year.