Monday Morning Business Coach

Wake Up to Your Passion, Your Power, Your Life

Good Morning.  It is time to wake up, not just to your day, but also to your passion, your power, and your life.   Many of us walk around tired, stressed-out, and numbed to our moments.  We are running as fast as we can, taking care of family, work and friends, and barely taking a breath. This week’s assignment is to carve 5 – 15 minutes out of each day, and do something that will wake you up and make your…

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Spring Cleaning

It’s that time of year again, the time when we suggest that EVERYONE pull out their resume, dust it off, and update it to reflect who you are today.  Make sure that your summary of talents and accomplishments reflects the skills you want to offer moving forward, delete old/irrelevant jobs, and consider if there is a way to include something about yourself that adds a little color and brings you to life on the page.  Then print a clean hard…

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