Monday Morning Business Coach

When Bad Things Happen to Good Companies

We have recently been working with the leadership teams of two very different companies where the proverbial sh!t has hit the fan . . .  through no fault of their own. A sad fact: Bad things can happen to good companies, which means that bad things can also happen to good people in those companies. Figuring out how to move forward through a crisis is an important act of leadership, one that can help the company come out on the other…

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Your Dream Employee – Start with Purpose

Last week we finished up the Your Dream Job series and shared a video synopsis of Daniel H. Pink’s book Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. As you’ll recall, the book summarized the key motivators for most adults as Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose. In our consulting, we work with leaders to consider these three motivators but in reverse order: Purpose, Mastery, and Autonomy. As we’ve worked with leaders on how to lead using this helpful perspective, we’ve started to coach them on using…

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Your Dream Job – Start with Purpose

As we continue our series on your dream job, we’d like to suggest you consider the research cited in Daniel H. Pink’s book, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. We know that life is full, and it can be hard to find the time to read a book these days; so, if you’re too busy, we’ve included a 10-minute “Cliff note” YouTube version of it that’s fun to watch and easy to digest. It will forever change how…

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Your Dream Job – The Big Rocks

Over the past two weeks, we have been talking about Your Dream Job and some core questions you can ask yourself to begin to move toward work that’s more meaningful, satisfying, and that supports you living a life that you love.  Today, we’re going to talk about exploring your dream job through the lens of your priorities and what brings you a sense of meaning and purpose. In many ways, these are the big rocks in the jar that’s your life. …

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Your Dream Job – Next Steps

In last week’s post, Your Dream Job, we had you do a quick assessment about whether or not you were satisfied in your current job. Today, we’d like to encourage you to begin to take some small steps forward toward the career of your dreams. Whether it’s finding a new role, a new place to work, or influencing your current workplace, what are some small steps you can take to get closer to doing work that you love in an environment…

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Your Dream Job

Are you in your Dream Career? Are you satisfied with your current role or should you consider making a move? It’s never the wrong time to evaluate your careerand to think about whether or not you’re doing workthat you love in an environment where you thrive.  Do a quick scan of your work life using the prompts below, and ask yourself, “Would I apply for (and be thrilled to be offered) the job I currently occupy?” If the answer is…

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Power and Humility

This year, our focus is to support you in mattering to yourself and in creating environments where people matter. Mattering to yourself is not about becoming narcissistic or thinking you matter above all others. It’s about honoring yourself so you know what matters to you and can then take action on behalf of the people and causes that you care about.   So, today, we’re sharing some excerpts from an article about Humility that spoke to us. There’s a link to the full…

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Live 2019 with Grace

During some personally difficult times, clients and colleagues will often ask us, “Why do you do this work?”    They are puzzled that we would choose to put ourselves in the middle of the messiness and pain that people experience in their lives and work. We do this work because we know that when people matter to themselves and believe that others matter, too, success is ensured. This is true in organizations, on teams, and with individual contributors. Success increases when people matter.  …

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