Jill Banks

When Life is “Just Fine”

I had a revelation the other day about pain and what people often refer to as “being stuck.”  When I heard someone ask the question, “are they in enough pain to make a change?”   It suddenly came to me  how often I have stayed where I am in my life, in a mediocre relationship, unhealthy in my body, a difficult work place, all the time  complaining about being stuck.  So the thought that perhaps I wasn’t in enough pain…

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Increase Your Awareness

An important source of information that folks often overlook when exploring or considering their next career move is their own observation.  By this I mean, start observing with close attention to two areas: What are other people doing in their careers/jobs that looks interesting or fun to you.  Don’t make any judgment about whether you could do that exact job, but rather analyze why that work looks fun. Identify those people and/or organizations that are inspiring or motivating to you. …

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Great Questions to Ask When Making Contacts

Remember, the goal in making contacts and having a discussion is to gain information – information that helps you make decisions about the possible directions for your career.  People like to talk about their job, their personal story and their views of the industry and its future.  Your role during this discussion is to listen, listening for ways that you could be a solution.  Here are some questions that are good ones to ask:  How did you become interested in this…

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