“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.”
— Will Rogers
This quote by Will Rogers is both humorous and wise. It is important, in our lives and in our work, to have a vision for our futures. For many people, when they finally create a compelling vision for the future, they are excited about being on the right track. They have a sense of where they want to go and the hope of rolling in the right direction.
Unfortunately, it is not uncommon to create a great vision for where we want to go and then get so distracted by life, challenges, and fears that we don’t move at all toward our vision. Essentially, we just sit there and our vision and our hopes for our future get run over.
We do a lot of work with individuals and organizational leaders helping them craft a vision, and then design a strategic plan to keep them moving forward on their goals. It is important to take the time to identifying a thoughtful plan that helps you determine which actions will keep you moving and which actions will detract you from your goals.
Let’s face it, there is a lot of information coming our way and the number of decisions we have to make with that information can be daunting. The beauty of a good plan for moving forward is that it guides your decisions. It’s helpful to have a plan that can guide you to say, “Why yes, this request for my time will move me closer to my vision” or to say, “Heck no, this request for my time will keep me sitting on the tracks and increase the likelihood that I will get hit by a train…”
Getting traction on the goals in your life that bring you closer to your vision—your ideal—should be your main focus. Research shows that our attention spans are actually decreasing due to the amount of information coming our way. A shorter attention span makes it even harder to stay focused on what you are doing and how you are going to get there. Most of us need someone in our corner to help us remember that we need to keep moving or our dreams will remain unrealized.
This week, spend some time dusting off your vision—your dream for your life or your organization—and identify what you can do today that will move you or your staff closer to that dream—no matter how small. Do that everyday and you will find yourself closer to living your dream—and embodying your vision.
We need your help to reach our vision…
We want to help everyone tap into the leader that lives within. You see we know that everyone can be a leader, and we’ve realized that lots of people can’t afford our services in our current business model. Cue The Leader in You Leadership Lab, an online membership coaching site with a 12-month curriculum that guides people through the same leadership, impact, influence, communication, and decision-making basics that we’d provide if we were sitting across the desk from them, all for less than the cost of a daily cup of coffee.
To help bring our vision to life, we have applied for funding. We are currently in the running for a Mission Main Street Grant and need to get votes from people like you to advance to the next level. If you are willing to help us get to the next level you can vote for us here.
In gratitude,
Your Monday Morning Business Coaches, Linda & Stephanie