Now that we’ve taken a look back at Your Yesterday, we’d like you to think about looking forward toward Your Tomorrow.

This is your opportunity to imagine, without limitations, the future that you plan to create—a future where you matter in your own life and have the fuel to care for the people and organizations that matter to you.

Think about what it means for you to live a life that you’re proud of, that supports your priorities, and that fulfills your sense of overall well-being.

So, the question is, “Where are you going?”

To support you in setting your intentions, we’re providing you with a few suggestions to get you started. You may decide to use any combination of these or come up with something on your own.

  1. Even if you’ve done it previously, you could go through our Life Priorities exercise again.
    • The question you’ll be answering in this exercise is, “What matters most to me in this life?”
    • Once you’ve completed this exercise, identify 1-3 goals you’d like to focus on that can support you in living in alignment with those priorities.
  2. If you’d prefer to think more creatively about next year, consider using our Success Circle in this link.
    • The question you’ll be answering in this exercise is, “What does success look like, live like, and feel like, for me?”
    • Once you’ve completed this exercise, identify 1-3 goals that you believe will be in alignment with the success you’ve described in your circle.
  3. If you’d like to use something more comprehensive, consider the Personal Assessment exercise in this link. It’s the same exercise as in the one found in the Your Yesterday section, but with a forward-thinking lens.
    • The question you’ll be answering in this exercise Is, “What are my highest aspirations for various areas in my life?”
    • Once you’ve completed this exercise, look through the various areas of your life and identify 1-3 goals that you would like to work toward this year, that will bring you a sense of satisfaction, fulfillment, and success.

You may find that you wind up with a vision that focuses on your top life priorities, other specific goals, or some combination of the two. There’s no right or wrong way to envision what success looks like for you.

If you’d like a PDF version of this post that also includes our Success Circle and Personal Assessment exercises, click on the link below.

Your Tomorrow

This week, take some time to envision what a successful and satisfying year will look like for you. Let us know what you come up with.

Stay tuned for next week when we’ll ask, “How can you set yourself up for success?”

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your personal or professional success,
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